Thursday, February 18, 2010

Do You Have Pain In Your Elbow If You Shingles What Does It Mean When You Are Having Pains In Your Nose?

What does it mean when you are having pains in your nose? - do you have pain in your elbow if you shingles

At school, there are two days from today, I was walking and then suddenly this child back and his elbow hit me right in the nose. When he touches me, and watery eyes are really touched me directly on the bones of the right hand side, near the center of the eyes. When I got home, I was really hurt and I have some ice on, to see if the swealign decreased, and when the pain disappeared. The downloaded swealing, but the pain is still there. Please tell me what to do and if there really something wrong with that?


Faith4je... said...

I see see a doctor. It could be broken.

Sweetpea said...

Go see a doctor, what in the morning

Lucky Me said...

In no doctor, but the nose could be broken. Go to the intensive care unit, just to be safe. That's really not much you can do for a broken nose, but at least you can relieve pain, something to give.

beckerto... said...

That could be broken, but in general there are a lot of blood when a person's nose is broken, and you can see that his nose is different than in the past ... His nose is like other parts of the body, if someone beats you on the arm, gets hit and runs away for a while. His face is also very sensitive so they give a few days. but if you're worried, go to the doctor to be sure ....

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